St. Joseph's Church, Milltown

Church Notices March 23rd 2017

Sunday 25th Mar’18 11.00 am Psalm Sunday. Patrick & Ellen Walsh & Sons Luke + Patrick, Liskeavy
Monday 26th Mar’18  7.30 pm Ted Giblin, Belmont
Tuesday 27th Mar’18 10.00 am People of  the parish
Wednesday 28th Mar’18 10.00 am Private Intention
Thursday 29th Mar’18  8.00 pm Holy Thursday at 8pm in both Milltown  & Ballyglass  Church.  John Martyn, Dalgin
Friday 30th Mar’18  8.00 pm Good Friday at 8pm in both Milltown  & Ballyglass  Church.  People of the parish
Saturday 31st Mar’18  8.00pm Holy Saturday  at 8pm in both Milltown  & Ballyglass  Church.  People of  the parish
Saturday 31st Mar’18  8:00pm Holy Saturday.  St Patrick’s Church, Ballyglass
Sunday 01st April ’18 11.00 am Easter Sunday. People of the parish

Offertory Collection:  €563 + €549 in St. Joseph’s Church, Milltown on weekend 17th & 18th March.  Thank you for your contribution


Collectors for April:  Jarlath Connolly & Stephen Mongan


  Church Maintainance for April:  Mary Birmingham, Mary Connolly, Marian Greene, Ann Marie Donelon


Eucharistic Ministers:

Sun 1st April:  (Easter Sunday) Noreen Healy, Ann Tierney, Monica O’Donnell

Sun 8th April:  Christina Foy, Margaret Carne, Maureen McHugh


Cluster Confessions:  in St. Colman’s Church Claremorris this Sunday March 25th from 5-6pm.

Confessions in St. Joseph’s Church Milltown: on Holy Thursday after mass and on Holy Sat from 12 – 1pm.


Pastoral Council meeting: Monday 26th March at 8:10pm. (in the sacristy).

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