
St. Joseph's Church, Milltown

Christmas Church notices 2017

Sunday 17th Dec. 11:00am Peter Flaherty, Russelstown (1st Anniversary) Monday 18th Dec. 7:30pm Francie Mullarkey, Milltown Tuesday 19th Dec. 10:00am People of the parish. Wednesday 20th Dec. 10:00am Paddy &…

Senior Citizens Annual Christmas Party

Our annual Christmas Party will be held on the 10th of December in Milltown Day Care Centre.  Finn’s are as usual, kindly providing us with our meal.  We are very grateful to them.  Mass will begin at 2pm  and the meal will be immediately…

Christmas Party

Senior Citizens Annual Christmas Party: Our annual Christmas Party will be held on the 10th of December in Milltown Day Care Centre. Finn’s are as usual, kindly providing us with our meal. We are very grateful to them. Mass will begin at 2pm…