
St. Joseph's Church, Milltown

Church Notices May 18th

Day Date Time Church Intention Sunday 20th May ’18 11:00 am Milltown Mike Ryan & Delia Connolly, Tom & Bridie Ryan, Kilgevrin, Tuam. Feast of Pentecost. Monday 21st May’18 7:30pm Milltown Peg & Sonny Walsh and daughter Ann,…
St. Joseph's Church, Milltown

Church Notices April 29th 2018

Day Date Time Church Intention Sunday 29th April ’18 11:00 am Milltown Pat & Delia Leonard, Carrabaun Monday 30th April ’18   7:30pm Milltown Robert Feerick & deceased members of the family, Kilgeverin …
St. Joseph's Church, Milltown

Church Notices March 23rd 2017

Sunday 25th Mar’18 11.00 am Psalm Sunday. Patrick & Ellen Walsh & Sons Luke + Patrick, Liskeavy Monday 26th Mar’18  7.30 pm Ted Giblin, Belmont Tuesday 27th Mar’18 10.00 am People of  the parish Wednesday 28th…

Church notices December 2nd 2017

Sunday 3rd Dec. 11:00am Sean Boyle, Emeracly.  Sunday of Advent Monday 4th Dec. 7:30pm William & Brigid Steede, Lurgan Tuesday 5th Dec. 10:00am People of the parish. Wednesday 6th Dec. 10:00am Private Intention Thursday 7th…
St. Joseph's Church, Milltown

Church Notices October 1st 2017

Sunday 01st Oct. 11:00am Bobby Burke, Clooncross Monday 02nd Oct. 7.30pm Novena Mass – Special Intention Tuesday 03rd Oct. 10:00am People of the Parish Wednesday 04th Oct. 10:00am   Thursday 05th…