Recycling information workshop
Important Recycling Information: A FREE Recycling Guidance Workshop to be held on Monday 19th Feb in the Raheen Woods Hotel in Athenry from 7pm til 8pm. Many of us are confused about what can and cannot be recycled in our recycling bins. Recycling symbols, varied messages and different coloured bins have all contributed to this confusion. In this free, interactive workshop, Recycling Amabssador Emma Court will show you what you can recycle in your household recycling bin. Emma is part of Voice Ireland’s Recycling Ambassador Programme. The Recycling Workshops are being offered nationwide, to help people improve Ireland’s recycling rates and reduce levels of contamination in household recycling bins. Please be advised that Group Registration will be taking place from 18:30 – 18:50. Groups will need to be registered to attend the programme, pre-registration can also take place through contacting Melinda Coen Ryan on 087 3515832.
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to get your recycling bin sorted!! See for more details of the programme. #binsorted
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